Greens Technologies in Tambaram is known for offering quality training programs in various IT domains, including data analytics. Here are some aspects that might make Greens Technologies a good choice for data analytics training.

What is Data Analytics?

Data Analytics is the process of examining, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. It involves using various techniques and tools to analyze data and uncover patterns, trends, and relationships. Here are the key components and steps involved in data analytics:

  1. Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources, such as databases, sensors, logs, and online repositories.
  2. Data Cleaning: Identifying and correcting errors or inconsistencies in the data to ensure its accuracy and completeness.
  3. Data Transformation: Converting data into a suitable format for analysis. This may include normalization, aggregation, and other preprocessing steps.
  4. Data Exploration: Using statistical and visualization techniques to understand the data’s structure, distribution, and key characteristics.
  5. Data Modeling: Applying mathematical models, algorithms, and machine learning techniques to analyze the data and make predictions or identify patterns.
  6. Data Interpretation: Translating the results of the analysis into actionable insights, which can inform business decisions or scientific research.
  7. Data Presentation: Communicating the findings through reports, dashboards, and visualizations to stakeholders in a clear and understandable manner.

Types of Data Analytics:

  1. Descriptive Analytics: Summarizes past data to understand what has happened. Example: Monthly sales reports.
  2. Diagnostic Analytics: Investigates the reasons behind past outcomes. Example: Analyzing customer complaints to find the root cause of issues.
  3. Predictive Analytics: Uses historical data and statistical models to forecast future events. Example: Predicting future sales based on past trends.
  4. Prescriptive Analytics: Suggests actions to achieve desired outcomes. Example: Recommending inventory levels to minimize stockouts.

Applications of Data Analytics:

  • Business: Market analysis, customer segmentation, and financial forecasting.
  • Healthcare: Patient diagnosis, treatment optimization, and health trend analysis.
  • Sports: Performance analysis, strategy development, and injury prevention.
  • Government: Policy making, resource allocation, and fraud detection.
  • Science and Research: Hypothesis testing, experimental analysis, and data-driven discoveries.

Data analytics is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of statistics, computer science, and domain expertise to turn raw data into valuable insights.

Our Services

Descriptive Analytics – Understand what has happened in your business with detailed reports and visualizations. Track performance metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Diagnostic Analytics – Dive deep into your data to uncover the reasons behind trends and outcomes. Identify root causes, pinpoint issues, and take corrective actions with confidence.

Predictive Analytics – Stay ahead of the curve by forecasting future trends and behaviors. Leverage advanced statistical models and machine learning to predict sales, customer behavior, and more.

Prescriptive Analytics – Make informed decisions with recommendations based on your data. Optimize your operations, improve resource allocation, and achieve your business goals efficiently. 

Industries We Serve


Boost your market analysis, customer segmentation, and financial forecasting. Make strategic decisions with confidence.


Enhance patient outcomes, optimize treatment plans, and analyze health trends. Turn data into better healthcare solutions.


Improve inventory management, personalize customer experiences, and increase sales. Use data to drive your retail success.


Identify market trends, manage risks, and optimize investments. Leverage data for better financial planning. 


Optimize production processes, improve quality control, and reduce downtime. Utilize data for smarter manufacturing.

How It Works

  1. Consultation: We start with a detailed discussion to understand your needs and objectives.
  2. Data Collection: We gather and clean your data to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  3. Analysis: Our experts apply advanced techniques to analyze your data and uncover insights.
  4. Reporting: We present our findings in clear, actionable reports and visualizations.
  5. Implementation: We help you implement data-driven strategies to achieve your goals. 

Why should I choose data analytics?

Choosing data analytics as a career or field of study offers numerous benefits and opportunities, making it a compelling choice for many individuals. Here are several reasons why you should consider pursuing data analytics:

High Demand and Job Opportunities

  1. Growing Field: Data analytics is a rapidly growing field with increasing demand across various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology.
  2. Job Security: As organizations continue to collect vast amounts of data, the need for skilled data analysts to interpret and leverage this data is rising, leading to strong job security.
  3. Diverse Roles: Data analytics offers a wide range of roles such as data analyst, data scientist, business analyst, and data engineer, allowing for diverse career paths.

Competitive Salaries

  1. Attractive Compensation: Data analysts often earn competitive salaries, with potential for significant growth as you gain experience and expertise.
  2. Performance Bonuses: Many organizations offer performance-based bonuses and incentives for data professionals who can drive business results.

Impactful Work

  1. Informed Decision-Making: Data analysts play a crucial role in helping organizations make data-driven decisions, leading to better outcomes and improved efficiency.
  2. Problem Solving: The field involves solving complex problems, providing innovative solutions, and contributing to strategic planning.

Skill Development

  1. Technical Skills: Gain proficiency in various tools and technologies such as SQL, Python, R, Tableau, Power BI, and machine learning algorithms.
  2. Analytical Thinking: Develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills, which are valuable in many professional and personal contexts.
  3. Continuous Learning: The field of data analytics is constantly evolving, offering continuous learning opportunities and keeping your skills up-to-date.

Versatility and Applicability

  1. Industry Versatility: Data analytics skills are applicable across a wide range of industries, providing flexibility to work in sectors that interest you.
  2. Business Versatility: The skills you acquire in data analytics can be applied to various business functions, including marketing, operations, finance, and product development.

Collaborative Environment

  1. Team Collaboration: Work closely with different teams, including marketing, finance, and IT, fostering a collaborative and interdisciplinary work environment.
  2. Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate complex data insights to non-technical stakeholders, improving your overall communication skills.

Future-Proof Career

  1. Emerging Technologies: Stay at the forefront of technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data, ensuring your career remains relevant.
  2. Adaptability: The skills and knowledge gained in data analytics make you adaptable to various roles and industries, providing career longevity.

Personal Satisfaction

  1. Intellectual Challenge: Enjoy the intellectual challenge of working with data, uncovering patterns, and deriving meaningful insights.
  2. Achievement: Experience a sense of accomplishment from turning raw data into actionable insights that drive real business value.

Topics Covered:

Course Name: Power BI

  1. Tools: Microsoft Power BI


  1. M Query
  2. Power Query Editor
  3. Data types
  4. Column Tracking
  5. Split columns
  6. Choose column
  7. Keep / Remove Rows
  8. Append Queries
  9. Duplicates Queries
  10. Creating Dim Table
  11. Join Kind
  12. Merge Queries
  13. Join
  14. Extract
  15. Format
  16. Functions
  17. Course Name : Power BI
  18. Tools : Microsoft Power BI
  22. Data Modeling
  23. DAX Functions
  24. Data Types
  25. Basic Functions
  26. Date Function
  27. Aggregation Functions
  28. Logical Function
  29. Filter Function
  30. Time Intelligence Function
  31. Information Function
  33. Dashboards
  34. Formatting

Course Name: Tableau

  1. Tools: Tableau


  1. Tableau interface demo
  2. Tableau Products
  3. Tableau Desktop
  4. Data types in tableau
  5. Types of Connection
  6. Dimension and measures
  7. Tableau file extension
  8. Set, Parameter, Group
  9. Bin, Hierarchy, Combine
  10. Sorting, Types of Axis, Maps
  11. Filters
  12. Quick Table Calculation
  13. Analytics Functions
  14. Logical Functions
  15. String Functions
  16. Table Calculation Functions
  17. Window Functions
  18. Date Functions
  19. LOD-Level of Detail
  20. Types of Charts
  21. Dashboard Functions
  22. Dashboard Actions
  23. Data Modeling
  24. Tableau Server/Online
  25. Embedded Data Source
  26. Published Data Source
  27. Different site roles
  28. User controls
  29. RLS (Row level Security)
  30. Alert, Subscription, Metrics
  31. Empty Extract
  32. Real time Scenarios
  33. Dashboard Creation From Scratch

Course Name: SQL Tools: Oracle Topics:

  1. Tools: SQL


  1. Introduction to sql
  2. Introduction to databases
  3. Install a database engine
  4. Data types
  5. Operators
  6. Case manipulation functions
  7. Character manipulation functions
  8. Date functions
  9. Null functions
  10. Number functions
  11. General functions
  12. Aggregate functions/group
  13. functions
  14. Analytical functions
  15. Data definition language commands
  16. Data manipulation language
  17. commands
  18. Transaction control language
  19. commands
  •  Data query language commands
  1. Joins
  2. Constraints
  3. Set operators
  4. View
  5. Materialized view
  6. Sub-queries
  7. Pseudo columns 

Course Name: Python

  1. Tools: Python


  1. Introduction
  2. Literate Programming
  3. Anaconda InstallatIon Procedure
  4. Jupyter Notebook Environment
  5. Python Hello World (Print statement in
  6. python) Basics
  7. Strings
  8. Python Functions
  9. Conditional Statements
  10. Iteration
  11. Lists
  12. Tuples
  13. Dictionaries
  14. Packages and Modules
  15. Regular Expressions
  16. File Handling
  17. File Data Processing
  18. Sets
  19. Functional Programming
  20. Maps in python
  21. Filters in Python
  22. Lambdas in Python
  23. Numpy
  24. Pandas
  25. Matplotib
Data Analytics/BI Developer Weekdays Training ( Morning, Day time & Evening)
Duration: 40 Hrs
Data Analytics/BI Developer Weekend Training (Saturday, Sunday & Holiday)
Duration: 15 Weeks
Data Analytics/BI Developer Fast Track Training
Duration: within 20 days

Data Analytics/BI Developer Online Training in Tambaram

Greens Technology Tambaram providing best one-on-one Data Analytics/BI Developer Online training in Tambaram with Placement Assistance. Our trainers are conducting Data Analytics/BI Developer Training to students through TeamViewer, Skype, GoToMeeting Software. We also offering Online Data Analytics/BI Developer Fast Track Training with affordable course fees.

Data Analytics/BI Developer Corporate Training in Tambaram

In Greens Technology Tambaram, offering Data Analytics/BI Developer Corporate training in MNC Companies around the Chennai. We can take the Training for 15 to 20 employees in one Batch. Our corporate training based on updated Data Analytics/BI Developer Syllabus. Our Oracle Corporate trainers are specialized in their field and 10+ years of Experience in Oracle Platform.

Data Analytics/BI Developer Placement Training in Tambaram

We are offering Placement training for our students after completing the Data Analytics/BI Developer Classes. Our trainers are helps to attend the interview confidently. We are conducting resume preparation classes, Mockup Interviews, Aptitude Test.